Sunday, October 26, 2014

honey face mask daily mail

honey face mask daily mail Honey can be made natural lotion for daily skin care hari.Lotion is beneficial in maintaining skin smoothness.

These benefits can you get by mixing one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of grape seed oil, one tablespoon of lemon tehjus, and three drops of lavender oil. Stir all ingredients until smooth and wipe across the surface of the skin after a shower every morning.

5. Honey can make the skin and facial cleansers. Cleansing is beneficial to maintain cleanliness by lifting dead skin cells and impurities.

These benefits can you get by mixing one tablespoon of honey, one spoon of almond powder, one teaspoon of lemon juice or orange juice and a few drops of aromatherapy oils. All ingredients stirring until blended then rubbed across the skin surface of the body every 2 days before bathing.

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